
Showing posts from October, 2018

How Shell Oil Is Taking DevOps And Agile to the Cutting Edge in 2018

How Shell Oil Is Taking DevOps And Agile to  the Cutting Edge According to Gregory Dubus, international support and director of Shell International Transition Manager, the future management of DevOps and project management should focus on support and transition. He recently discussed Devops World in London and coordinated various Agile Transition and DevOps buildings in one of the world's largest companies. He said: "Shell, we use a quick word, we use the word" Edge. " "Edge is a bend in Scrum and DevOps." Shell uses Edge as a general term that covers the company's principles and principles and practices deriving from the IT program. The Edge project started in 2010 because "we need IT solutions to change as soon as possible", so fast and cheaper to achieve projects and more. How did they achieve this weight? New: How to enter Agile Shell  Edge is what Shell calls the "isolation method" that integrates the proj...

DevOps-Cloud Architecture : Exploring its Advantages for Enterprises in 2018

DevOps-Cloud Architecture : Exploring its  Advantages for Enterprises Cloud technology and DevOps are a good combination. While other companies are struggling to handle performance, users who use the pot and DevOps experience incredible results and bring great value. In order to benefit from clouds - DevOps integration, businesses need to identify and handle key objectives to ensure that nothing is lost. Development, testing, implementation, deployment and operations are regularly published for full operation. In this system, all parts of the complex process are autism, including resettlement and cloud computing. All change applications must be fully met every day, although the alignment principles support unlimited supply of resources using device utilities can be used in Amazon, Google and Microsoft web services, including public and private types. Commercial Cloud-DevOps Design Drivers Let's get to know the key drivers for shaping Cloud-DevOps: • Compani...

Agile Vs DevOps in 2018

Agile Vs DevOps  What is DevOps? DevOps is a development software that focuses on communication, integration, and IT professionals that enable faster product delivery. DevOps is a culture that promotes partnership between the Commission for Development and Retention. This will allow the code to be implemented so that it can be quickly automated. It helps to increase the organization's speed to provide applications and services. We can define it as the development and operation of IT. What is Agile? Agile "includes the SDLC development and testing process. This software development software promotes development, growth and development. The development process of the director distributes the product to small pieces and connects the final test. It can be implemented in several ways, including scrum, worm, scrap, XP, etc. Agile vs. DevOps Interests and communication groups of the standard accounting system.   Agile addresses gaps in Customer and Developer...

Why Cloud Makes Agile And DevOps More Important in 2018

Why Cloud Makes Agile And DevOps More  Important Cloud Makes Agile And DevOps The same types of calculating mathematical properties, due to which it is very soft, also present problems in the development of the application and make them an important development. Comprehensive cooperation has changed the world of information technology so far. Always, fast and unlimited weight are the expectations of the users of the infrastructure. Improvements and application groups see everything that is not readable and the temperature is poor, and far from the poor infrastructure that corresponds to basic facilities that quickly provide computer resources. Therefore, many IT-based companies are particularly vulnerable to heavy projects, leading to collapse and confusion. However, the impact of cloud management is far from discussing the construction of appropriate referral applications. Indeed, the main effect of the cloud can be useful groups, but not those who work in...

5 key Characteristics of a Successful DevOps Deployment in 2018

5 key Characteristics of a Successful DevOps  Deployment The fact that today's competitors in the industry create new challenges for the company and force them to take measures to introduce new software and development networks. That's why many companies are already implementing Devops' ideas, said Karl Horne, CTO for Cieno for the Asia-Pacific region. Here are five key components of the success of the Devops. A new global survey shows that 69% of Pacific Pacific and state-owned Japan are devoted to Devops. DevOps enables good collaboration and thus improves efficiency, accelerates productivity and accelerates the "idea idea" for new services. With the application on demand, cloud, content distribution, 5G and the internet of products, the mobile network does not move mobile and through the software. These techniques will attract greater pressure on the network, create new challenges for the company, force them to act and implement new develop...

Devops-Dictates-New-Approach-Cloud-Development in 2018

Devops Dictates New Approach To Cloud  Development  The fact is: DevOps and the cloud merges into a hip. Most mirrored development projects use DevOps, which will be longer. The benefits of using DevOps with cloud computing are also well defined. It involves accelerating application development to quickly meet the needs of the business community, the need for the user to quickly access software and development costs, tests, settlement and operations. In this article, we describe how the development of the cloud will change, why it is changing and, most importantly, as it can, as in engineering, face the change. I will focus on how DevOps will change the overall development of the game and develop it in a certain way.  Timely testing: The most important tools and tools are available. When the game changes In their essence, the Devops process is agile. The idea is training development to respond in real time to business needs. In other words, DevOps should ...