How to implement Containers to streamline your DevOps Workflow -2018

How to implement Containers to streamline 

your DevOps Workflow

What are Docker Containers?

DOCKER is a virtualization process that is a "light" allowed process or a group of processes in an atmosphere system that puts its own, similar to the cheroot prisons, as well as for the specific process, users and groups, as a result, a good network and resource boundary. For the most common purposes, the methods in the container consider that they have a fully functioning system that has nothing outside the container (if it is not clear). This allows you to closely monitor the environment in which the processes are performed, allows many processes on the same computer (a) that the situation is completely different (and even contradictory), which significantly increases privately and securely in the container.

Containers Vs Virtual Machines(VMs)

In addition to containers, Docker also enables the creation and distribution of photos that include the entire application environment.

The difference between containers for the virtualization "lights" and virtualization virtual machines "heavy", is reduced in the first, the virtualization level of the kernel appears on the reverse side of the hypervisor. In other words, all the fields on the device have a small and small code separately, while the VM acts as a unique hardware and its own.

Containers are much less resource-intensive virtual machines, because there is no need to allocate a special memory for the file system or have the following operating systems full. This allows many customers to operate more than machines with machines. Containers start close as fast as the system standard (no need to wait for the operating system startup), and the partition of the file system on the host can "drive" a simple file container overload system to the methods of the additional file system of the network.

On the other hand, color is not effective. If you are not careful, you can place the machine running the container line to hardware resources available (this limit can be reduced by the appropriate resource container). Z is the progress in the container more conventional, sieve joint means that areas where there is a greater risk of leakage between the vessels, among virtual machines.

How Docker Containers Enhance Continuous Delivery 


In general, there are two areas where the containers are adapted to the workflow of devops: for compilation and execution. They often use them together, but they do not need to.


Synchronization of compilation environments: it may be difficult to keep compilation environments synchronized between developers and CI / CD servers, which can lead to unexpected design errors or behavioral changes. Docker's images allow you to precisely define the collection tools, libraries, and other dependencies (including their variations) without having to install them on individual machines and simply distributing them. This way you can be sure that everyone uses the same compiler environment.

Managing changes to create environments: Managing changes in creating environments can be difficult, as you need to extend them to all developers and create servers at the right time. This can be particularly complicated if there are several areas of development, some of which may need an older or newer environment than others. With Docker, you can specify a specific version of the image to be edited along with the source code, which means that a specific revision of the source code will always be made in the correct environment.

Isolation of compilation environments: it is possible that an IC / CD server must compile multiple projects that may contain conflicting requirements for collection tools, libraries, and other dependencies. When performing each collection in your own container created from potentially different Docker images, you can be sure that these compilation environments will not affect each other.


Runtime Environment Included in the Application: The CD system creates a full Docker image that combines the application's environment with the application and then presents it as an "atomic" step. At the time of deployment, there is no way that configuration management scripts fail, and there is no risk that the system configuration is not synchronized.

Preventing malicious changes: container security is enhanced by using insurmountable SHA abstracts to identify Docker images, which means that a malicious player can not inject malicious software into your application or its environment.

Simply move back to the previous version: all you need to back up is running an older version of the Docker image. There is no need to worry about changes in the system configuration that need to be manually turned.

Null timing: combined with tools for orchestration of containers such as Kubernetes, it is easy to use new versions of images without zero.

High availability and horizontal scale: container container tools such as Kubernetes make it easy to distribute the same image in multi-server containers and automatically add or remove replicas.

Share a server between multiple applications: multiple applications or multiple versions of the same application (for example, deployment of dev and qa) can run on the same server, even if they have conflicting dependencies, as their execution environments are completely separate.

Isolate applications: if multiple applications are installed on the container server, they are isolated from one another. The security of the container means that each file system, processes and users have its own, and the less the risk of deliberately interfering. If there is no need to share information between applications, the parts of the host file system can be embedded in multiple containers, but this is something for which you have complete control ....


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